Gratiot County
Road Commission

Serving the Middle of the Mitten

What We Do

Michigan Currently the Gratiot County Road Commission is responsible for 1183 miles of county roads and 119 county bridges.  In addition to maintaining and preserving all county roads and bridges the Gratiot County Road Commission also maintains an additional 234 lane miles of US and State Trunklines through a partnership with the Michigan Department of Transportation. 

Mission Statement

Country Road

The Gratiot County Road Commission is dedicated to using all available resources to provide the safest, most convenient road network possible for the people of Gratiot County. We strive to maintain the highest quality of service by utilizing the most cost effective methods of road and bridge maintenance driven by a detailed asset management program. Our work is a collaborative effort based on good working relationships with the townships, drain commission, cities and villages and the Michigan Department of Transportation. We encourage our employees to engage the community in an effort to be responsive to the citizens of Gratiot County and to better serve the community.

For a contactless experience we encourage you to contact us in the following ways:

Report a Road Concern
Apply for a transportation permit or right of way permit
Contact us with general inquiries

Payments for all business transactions can be made here: PAY ONLINE 

Please call us with questions at 989-875-3811

Contact Us


200 Commerce Drive
P.O. Box 187
Ithaca, MI 48847-0187


Phone: 989-875-3811
Fax: 989-875-2831


Monday - Friday
7:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
After Hours Emergency:
Dial 911