Right Of Way Permits

Important Information Regarding Right of Way Permits in Gratiot County

Right of Way Permits

A permit is required for all work within the road right-of-way.


The Gratiot County Road Commission is now utilizing Oxcart Permit Systems to receive and process all permit applications. All transactions must be processed through Oxcart Permit Systems. This includes driveway construction/improvement, culvert crossings, ditching/drainage work, utility work, plan review, commercial site construction and any other work taking place in the right-of-way.

Please complete the following to apply:

  1. Click here to create an account or sign into Oxcart.
    2. Select the Right of Way tab.
    3. Select “Gratiot Road Commission, County of ” and click “Apply for Permit.”
    4. Fill out the application and click “Submit Application”.

GCRC staff will review your application, conduct a site review where necessary and process your application. Once that is complete, you will receive an email with instructions on how to pay for your approved permit. All payments are processed using a credit card on the Oxcart website. 

If you have any questions regarding permits or Oxcart please call the office at 989-875-3811 or email us at permits@gratiotroads.org

View Permit Insurance Requirements

Annual Utility Permits

Certain activities necessary for the repair and/or maintenance of utilities may be authorized under an Annual Utility Right of Way permit. 

These maintenance activities include:

Aerial: Tree trimming for adequate clearance from all poles and wires in road right of way under the jurisdiction of the Gratiot County Road Commission (GCRC), occupied, crossed or paralleled by electric transmission, distribution or communication lines owned and operated by Permit Holder. Repair, routine maintenance and modernization of existing facilities, including installation of one-pole aerial crossings from an existing line. Installation of new aerial drops not requiring a new pole or guy wires to be installed any closer to the roadway than the existing pole line. 18 feet of clearance is required across the roadway for all aerial installations unless otherwise approved by the GCRC prior to construction. 

Underground: Repair, inspection and routine maintenance of existing underground facilities, up to and including two (2) inches in diameter. New gas, electric or telecommunication service line connections of not more than two (2) inches in diameter to one (1) residential customer from either side of the road right of way.  Road crossings must be direction/horizontal bored at a minimum depth of 4 feet beneath the lowest ground elevation in the road right of way unless otherwise approved by the GCRC prior to construction. All cables shall be installed in steel, PVC or HDPE conduit in accordance with good utility practice where required.

A separate, site specific, Right of Way permit must be obtained for any operations involving a pavement cut/break or any other activity not clearly permitted under the Annual Utility Permit.

Beginning January 1st, 2023 all Annual Permits must be applied for using Oxcart Permitting Systems. Please see the instructions above.


200 Commerce Drive
P.O. Box 187
Ithaca, MI 48847-0187


Phone: 989-875-3811
Fax: 989-875-2831


Monday - Friday
7:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
After Hours Emergency:
Dial 911