Seasonal Weight Restrictions
Important Information Regarding Seasonal Weight Restrictions in Gratiot County
Seasonal Weight Restrictions
Seasonal weight restrictions were enacted in order to help minimize the impact of heavy trucks on Michigan’s roads during the Spring cycle of freezing and thawing. By law, road agencies can enact weight restrictions on roads that are not designated as all-season routes when conditions merit.
Seasonal restrictions lower the axle-loading limits and reduce the maximum travel speed for certain vehicles. Details about seasonal weight restrictions and their effect on axle loading and speed can be found by clicking here for the full text of MCL 257.722. There are some limited classes that are exempt from these restriction after a permit is filed.
For GCRC Policy regarding Seasonal Weight Restrictions – Click Here
For a map of Gratiot County’s All Season Routes – Click Here
For a map of Gratiot County’s Weight Restricted Bridges – Click Here
For a detailed list of Restricted/Nonrestricted Routes – Click Here
For Statewide County Seasonal Weight Restriction Information – Click Here
For General Information Relating to the Rules and Regulations Including Allowable Truck Configurations – Click Here
**All Seasonal Weight Restriction Permits Must be Approved to be Valid**
The driver of the vehicle shall carry an approved permit and rules in the vehicle to which it applies and shall have these documents available for inspection by any police officer, Motor Carrier Officer or duly authorized Road Commission agents.
Permits are not valid if not approved by Gratiot County Road Commission.
200 Commerce Drive
P.O. Box 187
Ithaca, MI 48847-0187
Phone: 989-875-3811
Fax: 989-875-2831
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Monday - Friday
7:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
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